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10 December 2021 Off

Online Casinos in Atlanta

By Art Beats Atlanta

The city of Atlanta is such a great place to visit, and while you could take the time to top off your day with a trip to a traditional casino,...

9 December 2021 Off

Online Casino Atlanta

By Art Beats Atlanta

After a long day of sightseeing in Atlanta, you will want to relax for a few hours. While there are plenty of attractions that you could visit in the evening,...

20 November 2021 Off

Street Art in Atlanta

By Art Beats Atlanta

Anyone who has an interest in street art will not be disappointed on a trip to Atlanta. There are a number of impressive murals around the city, and there are...

26 October 2021 Off

Art & Culture Activities in Atlanta

By Art Beats Atlanta

Keeping everyone entertained on a trip to Atlanta is so much easier than you think. There are so many attractions available that you’ll find it difficult to fit them all...

22 September 2021 Off

Great Museums in Atlanta

By Art Beats Atlanta

Atlanta is a city that is packed with cultural attractions like museums that will appeal to the whole family. Whether you are interested in ancient artefacts or want to see...

26 August 2021 Off

Dancing in Atlanta

By Art Beats Atlanta

The dance community in Atlanta is a strong one, and no matter what sort of dance you want to see – or take part in – there is something here...

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  • The city of Atlanta is such a great place to visit, and while you could take the time to top off your day with a trip to a traditional casino, an online casino might be a better option for you. Advantages of an online casino There are plenty of reasons to choose an online casino like PlayStar over a traditional casino. Even in a city such as Atlanta, where the nightlife is vibrant. The first of these is the convenience of it all. You can log in to an online casino at any time of the day or night as they are open around the clock. The games are always on, so you would never be waiting more than a few minutes to take part in a poker game, for example. The next reason is that you can take part without spending any money. Most online casinos will offer you the opportunity to try the games in a test mode so that you can play without gambling your money. You can figure out the rules and the strategies you need before you play with actual money, and you can work out if the casino suits you. It can also be cheaper to play casino games online. There is no need to dress up in evening wear and pay for transport to get there. You can also just play one game if you want to, so even if you are on a tight budget, it doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money to have fun.

  • After a long day of sightseeing in Atlanta, you will want to relax for a few hours. While there are plenty of attractions that you could visit in the evening, an hour or two on online games will help you forget the city’s hustle and bustle for a while. Casino Games You will find that you can play all the traditional games at an online casino. Roulette is one of the most popular, but you can also play card games such as poker. Check out your chosen online casino and find out which games it offers. Most casinos such as will also allow you to practice the games before you bet any of your own money, so you can get to know the game and decide if it is really for you. Other available games include slots and blackjack. Setting Up an Account It only takes a few minutes to set up an account with an online casino. You will need to register personal details so that the site can be sure that you are of a legal age to play casino games. You will also need to provide payment details so that you can add funds to the account to top up when you need to, but take the time to explore the site to see what it offers before you do. Staying Safe There are some dangers with online gambling, but a reputable site will provide you with information on adding spending limits to your account and links to organizations that can help you become more aware of gambling responsibly.

  • Anyone who has an interest in street art will not be disappointed on a trip to Atlanta. There are a number of impressive murals around the city, and there are several regular events for those who want to find out more. Street Art Events One of the most popular events is the Living Walls Street Art conference. The event started in 2008, and it attracts thousands every year. In 2015, Greg Mike started the outer space Project. This event takes place every year and includes a number of different events across the city. You could also time your visit to coincide with the Forward Warrior, where street artists get together to create a work of art in a particular neighborhood. Street Art Locations So, where can you find the artwork? With more than 200 around the city, there are plenty to choose from, but you could head first to the Krog Street Tunnel or take in the Beltline path. This circles the inner part of the city and runs for 22 miles through a variety of neighborhoods. Alternatively, head to Inman Park or the eastern part of Atlanta at Edgewood Avenue. Famous street artists Greg Mike is one of the most famous street artists in Atlanta. He has been doing graffiti since the age of 13, and he moved on to painting murals when he was in his 20s. Head over to the Old Fourth Ward neighborhood to see examples of his work. John Morse is also a popular artist. In 2010 as part of an art installation across the city, 10 haikus written by him featured on signs that were posted all over the city.

  • Keeping everyone entertained on a trip to Atlanta is so much easier than you think. There are so many attractions available that you’ll find it difficult to fit them all in. Atlanta Magic Theater Going to see a magic show will always be popular with everyone, and the Atlanta Magic Theater will not disappoint. This is a show with plenty of audience participation, and it is fun for all ages. Center for Puppetry Arts The center is home to shows, films and workshops where every member of the family can learn more about puppets and how to handle them. Some of the most famous fairytales are told through the medium of puppets. Follow this up with a tour of the puppetry museum, where there is a large collection of Jim Henson puppets. Museums of Atlanta Museums in Atlanta is a great place for everyone to learn more about the history of the planet and the various continents. The museum covers 3000 square feet of space, so there is plenty to see and do. There are interactive events taking place every day, so everyone can learn to build something or paint. Check ahead to find out what the timetable is so you can plan your visit carefully. Tiny Doors As you tour the city watch out for the tiny doors. This is part of an art installation, and you can find them all over the city. The doors are six inches tall and are featured at the city’s main attractions in various neighborhoods. The whole family will love trying to spot the doors. A good starting point is the visitor center at the Centennial Olympic Park, where you can find three of them.

  • Atlanta is a city that is packed with cultural attractions like museums that will appeal to the whole family. Whether you are interested in ancient artefacts or want to see more contemporary additions, there will be something here for you. Fernbank Museum of Natural History Everyone will love this museum which is packed full of fossils and dinosaur bones, with a great exhibition on the Mesozoic period. One of the skeletons is more than 120 feet in length. It is a great place to travel back in time and find out what the Earth was like before humans came along. Georgia Aquarium The Georgia Aquarium is one of the top tourist attractions in the region, thanks to the wide variety of marine life that calls the place home. Take a look at the puffins and penguins or feed the dolphins. If you are feeling particularly adventurous, you can take the opportunity to swim with whale sharks. For more information, contact the aquarium directly. Michael C. Carlos Museum For those who want to get a little closer to life in ancient Egypt, then this is the place to visit. The museum is home to several permanent collections, and one of these is a range of Egyptian artefacts. Find out more about mummies and Egyptian tombs. Atlanta History Center If you visit the city, don’t forget to take the opportunity to find out more about the history of this particular region, and the Atlanta History Center is the place to do that. The attraction covers 33 acres, and you can find memorabilia from the 1996 Olympic Games as well as other notable events in the city’s history.


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